[Lecture] Connect- Design For An Empathic Society


Connect Design For An Empathic Society 


Thomas Hammer-Jakobsen

Founding Partner and Chiarman, Copenhagen Living Lab


Empathic solutions are characterized by the fact that they in their functioning mobilize human resources by recognizing, that diversity represents a reciprocal potential for value creation.

Empathy is the ability to recognize the other - to put oneself in the place of others.

Empathetic solutions are also characterized by being systems characterized by spacious structure, components and composition where a given input produces a predictable and scalable output. Systems are codified and can be scaled and differs thus from enthusiasts and coincidences.

The overall approach when building empathic solutions is to design for connectedness. Physical, mental and social connectedness is the prerequisite for people to thrive and grow. People need to experience connectedness with themselves, with others and with their environment.

Empathic solutions include components that support human relationships, mobility and individuality.

more information:http://www.t-edu.tw/26032306933561122530-connect-design-for-an-empathic-society.html


2013/10/28(Mon) 10:00~12:00


iNSIGHT OPEN LAB (1F,  Sihyuan Bilding,  No.18,  Sihyuan St.,  Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100,  Taiwan (R.O.C.)  )

Liz Lee  02-33663366 轉 55201 eveirps@caece.net




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